Sunday 27 November 2016

Solitude Explosion

Explosion within solitude,
Fighting this inner fued,
Dwelling must halt,
It's not your fault,
Absolute epiphany,
It was your destiny,
Fates can be cruel,
Heart the ultimate rule,
Denial swirling within,
You knew you'd never win,
Sttuborn feelings reign,
There's nothing more to gain,
Screaming demons so loud,
Pulling her out of that cloud,
Eyes still shut tight,
Holding on with all her might,
Forever no regrets,
Till her solitude she accepts...

Little Rant:

I love the hair that is from Uber Nov 2016 round by Besom, the best ever beanie hair for me, it is called Star, just perfect. Half my necklace shown is by Empyrean Forge found at Tannenbaum 2016. The necklace is really great but for this shot I couldn't show it off properly. Of course, I really adore Kunst's Slim Cigarette Holder, it is the only cigarette that lasted long with me! I took this picture at Winter Trace, I have been hanging around here the past few days. Honestly I am just enjoying the windlight they have set up, the water is all Ice and reflection effect that tickles my senses and gives me some silent peace from just lazing around. I know I didn't do the sim justice here with this picture but this was more a personal touch for me. I have no idea what windlight this is though...

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